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FEMA pushes first Presidential Alert to smart phones

These days everything is all about social media. Government agencies, companies and business’s try to keep up with new technologies and situation’s that were never handled before. The new FEMA presidential alert is a prime example and they are making the changes now.

In the past we had been notified in the event of a emergency from our government through our television sets and radios. What happens if there is an emergency and you are not watching tv or listing to a radio? Chances are you are on your phone listening to your private music or texting with friends or maybe you are on vacation taking lots of pictures with your phone. But you always keep your phone with you. On October 21, 2018 at 2:18pm, FEMA pushed its for Presidential Alert. Most phone users received the alert and few have not. The folks who did not receive the alert probably needed another update or a new phone, that’s how technology is today.

For more information about FEMA about emergency alert

About The Author

Gene Fischer

Software Engineer, Java and Microsoft Technologies, MCP Certified, United States.